Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Pivot Table Plugin for Oracle Apex

Woow. I just found something reaally awesome.Though I've not tested it. I just hope it works on Apex 5
Link to download plugin is


Click here to follow.

And this is the blog I found it + he wrote some tutorials on it too :

Click here to follow.

Much Respect sir: Morten Braten. Much Respect

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Windows Phone 8 Graphic Checklist (Apps for WP 8 and 8.1)

For new WP8 and 8.1 developers like myself, these are graphics  expected when you finally make that app... Strictly these:
Desktop Screenshots of App
·          Accepted dimensions:1366 x 768 pixels or larger recommended
·         Max upload: 9 image files
·         Landscape or portrait
·         Accepted file types: .png
·         Less than 2 MB

Mobile Screenshots*(Required)
·         Accepted dimensions: 768 x 1280, 720 x 1280, or 480 x 800 pixels
·         Max upload: 8 image files
·         Landscape or portrait
·         Accepted file types: .png
·         Less than 2 MB

App tile icon*(Required)
·         Only used for Windows Phone 8.1 and earlier
·         300 x 300 pixels
·         Accepted file types: .png
Promotional Art Work
·         Wide Icon 358 x173 px
·         Square Icon: 358 x 358 px
·         Background Image : 1000 X 800 px

Other Dimensions in Promotional Artwork
Accepted file types: .png
One image per size
·         358 x 173 pixels
·         358 x 358 pixels
·         1000 x 800 pixels
·         414 x 180 pixels
·         414 x 468 pixels
·         558 x 558 pixels
·         558 x 756 pixels
·         846 x 468 pixels
·         2400 x 1200 pixels.

 ......................... Sorry no images yet ? still learning

Android Apps Graphic Assets Checklist

Any Android App’s Graphic Assets Checklist

1.Screenshots Images(For Phone, Tablet and TV Images )*(Required)
To publish your app/”Store Listing”, you must provide a minimum of 2 screenshots (of your app in action/use). These are what display as slide images on Google Play Store.

Dimension: Requirements

  • JPEG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha).
  • Minimum dimension: 320 px
  • Maximum dimension: 3840 px
·         Max aspect ratio of each image : 2:1
  • The maximum dimension of your screenshot cannot be more than twice as long as the minimum dimension.
You can upload up to 8 screenshots for each supported device type:
·         Android Phones x8 screenshots,
·         7-inch tablet x8 screenshots,
·         10-inch tablet x8 screenshots and
·         Android TV x8 screenshots.
  • To upload screenshots for an Android Wear app, use the "Phone" category.
  • If a video is available, it will always be the first thumbnail shown on Google Play.

Slide Show Images on Phone

2.High-res Icon *(Required): This icon image of your app on Google play store. 
Note: this doesn’t affect the specified icon in you designated in your app config.xml file

Dimension: Requirements

·         32-bit PNG (with alpha)
Dimensions: 512 px by 512 px
 Maximum file size: 1024 KB
Exampes of High-res icons
Examples of High Res-Icon use

3.Feature Graphic* (REQUIRED)
Usually used as app banner, to the best of my understanding, not use case just banner like below


  • ·         JPEG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha)
  • Dimensions: 1024 w x 500 h

4.Promo Graphic (Optional)
The promo graphic is used for promotions on older versions of the Android OS (earlier than 4.0). This image is not required to submit an update for your store listing. Click here to here from the horse’s mouth


  • ·         JPEG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha)
  • ·         Dimensions: 180 px by 120 px

5. TV Banner (Optional) :To publish an Android TV-enabled app, a banner asset is required. When you're creating a banner asset, think of it like your app’s icon on Android TV.
Note: Your app's banner asset will only be displayed on Android TV devices.


·         JPEG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha)
·         Dimensions: 320 px by 180 px

6. Promo Video (OPTIONAL): The promo video appears in the first position of your graphic assets on the Google Play web store 


Default – English (United States) – en-US
YouTube video
Enter video URL

 For newbies, Don't forget the "package name" of your app OR the ID specified when configuring the config.xml file of your app will be the UNIQUE ID of it on Google Play Store AND that is what will be used to search for it on play store.

I made an app named PFS lunchbox but in my config file ,I playfully wrote, id="com.jombapps.shola".

I did ALL I had to do and published . Cool . It is on the play store but if I search "pfs lunchbox"
I hardly see it there 

But if I search with keyword "shola" or "jomb". I see my pfs lunchbox app listed. I hope you get it ? the search uses your id as criteria . I think later it might check app name before displaying results.

Ciao. Dudes !!

Friday, September 4, 2015

My Raw codes

$(document).on("click", ".uib_w_7", function(evt)
        /* for my personal consumption really
        function newItem(value){
        var newSwipe = '<li class="swipeout">'+
            '<div class="swipeout-content item-content">'+
            '<div class="item-inner">'+value+'</div>'+
            '<div class="swipeout-actions-right">'+
            '<a class="swipeout-delete swipeout-overswipe">Delete</a>'+
        $$('.sortable ul').append(newSwipe);
        myApp.prompt("Places and Dates of My Travels ", "My Travel Plans",newItem) ;

How To Reset Your Windows Phone (Nokia Lumia)

Juuuuuust in case you had an issue with your Windows phone 8 and/or your "Nokia Lumia". When "ALL" is tried and there is absolutely no other help coming from anyway .. Yes .. Let's reset it.... O.K?
Most Windows phone have 3 buttons on the right side Volume Up, Volume Down, Power Button and the Camera Button in (order of top of phone to bottom). 

Stage 1

Press and hold the "Volume Down  and Power" Buttons simultaneously (at the same time) for 10-15 seconds until you feel a vibration.

Stage 2
When you feel this vibration , remove hands and press on ONLY the Volume Down button till you see an "exclamation mark icon" on your phone 

Stage 3 
After the exclamation mark displays,  press the following four buttons in this order
a.Volume up Volume up button, 
b.Volume down Volume down button, 
c.Power Power button, 
d.Volume down Volume down button.

And Finallyyyyy.....
It'll begin resetting (which might take a while) and when it is done, It'll guide you on how to setup as if  everything was brand new...huh....silly you !!!


Any time this iss If on your task manager you see svchost taking much physical memory 1 On your task manager    ...